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Fractit utilizes ERC-404 tokens, known as Fractible, to enable the fractional ownership of valuable real estate assets. This allows multiple investors to co-own a property, sharing both the potential benefits and risks associated with the underlying asset.
Fractible Fractionalization: Existing Fractible holders can effortlessly divide their ownership into smaller ERC-404 fractions using the Fractit platform.
Fraction Pricing: Sellers establish the total price for the offered fraction and define the minimum purchase amount per user. Example: Imagine a Fractible representing a property valued at $200,000. The owner decides to offer 40% ownership on the Fractit marketplace for $84,000. They can specify a minimum purchase size of 1%, allowing users to acquire: - 1% for $840 - 1.5% for $1260 - or, the entire 40% for $84,000
Fraction Distribution: Upon purchase, individual Fractible Tokens are transferred directly to the corresponding buyer's digital wallets.
Redemption: To redeem a Fractible and take possession of the underlying property, an individual must accumulate all outstanding fractions and combine them (de-fractionalize) into a single ERC-404 token.
Compatibility: Fractible leverage the fungibility and divisibility characteristics inherent to the ERC-404 standard.
Benefit Inheritance: Any associated Fractible rewards and benefits, such as PUSD/USDC rewards, are proportionally distributed among fraction holders.
De-fractionalization & Re-fractionalization: Users who acquire all fractions representing an Fractible Tokens can: - De-fractionalize: Merge the fractions back into a single ERC-404 token. - Re-fractionalize: Divide the ownership again into a different number of fractions with variable pricing for individual sale.
This system empowers individuals to participate in real estate ownership, facilitating greater investment accessibility and diversification through the unique capabilities of ERC-404 tokens.